MS in Interior Design in Germany


Study MS in Interior Design in Germany for Free

MS in Interior Design in GermanyMS in Interior Design in Germany is a type of advanced school program for people who want to become experts in making spaces look nice and work well. Interior Designers are people who create and design spaces, like homes, offices, stores, and restaurants. Professionals in Interior Design contemplate and devise how to effectively utilize color, furniture, lighting, and various other elements to optimize the aesthetic and functional aspects of a given space. Students seeking a MS degree in this field commonly undertake an additional period of academic study following their completion of a Bachelors degree, whereby they become educated in various topics such as diverse design styles, and client interaction techniques, to discern and accommodate clients' requirements and visions for their ideal living or working spaces. In the end, students who complete a MS degree in Interior Design are able to design spaces that are beautiful, functional, and meet the needs of the people who use them. It's a lot of hard work, but it's a really cool job! This article will examine the requirements for admission to MS in Interior Design in Germany.

Program MS in Interior Design
Course duration 2 years
Language of Instruction English
Tuition Fees Free
Living cost in Germany 1000 EUR per month
Sessions 2 - Summer and Winter

Why Study MS in Interior Design in Germany?

If you're interested in the free study in Germany for masters in Interior Design, did you know that Germany is a great place to consider? Here are six reasons why:

  • Great universities: Germany has some of the best universities in the world for studying Interior Design. You'll get a top-notch education that can help you achieve your dreams.

  • Affordable tuition: Compared to other countries, the cost of tuition in Germany is relatively low. This implies that you can pursue a top-notch education without becoming broke.

  • Career opportunities: After you graduate, you'll have plenty of opportunities to start your career in Interior Design in Germany. The country has a thriving design industry, and you'll be well-positioned to find a job.

  • Cultural experiences: Germany is a fascinating country with a rich history and culture. Studying there will give you the chance to experience it firsthand.

  • Language skills: If you don't already speak German, studying there can be a great opportunity to learn a new language. Being bilingual is a valuable skill that can help you in many areas of life.

  • Travel opportunities: Finally, studying in Germany gives you the chance to travel and explore other parts of Europe. You'll be able to see and experience new things, which is always exciting!

Eligibility Criteria 

Students need to fulfill the criteria, which are:

  • High school: Students must have a certification at the 10+2 level to be eligible to pursue a MS in interior design.

  • Bachelor's Degree: Applicants should have a bachelor's degree of 3–4 years along with 12 years of schooling and 1 year of preparatory courses.

  • Bachelor marks: Top universities have requirements of more than an 8.5 CGPA, whereas a 7 CGPA is the minimum mark that needs to be obtained by students.

  • Language proficiency score: 6.5 and 90–100 bands in IELTS or TOEFL or B2 or C1 in German is mandatory to be obtained by the students for choosing the language of instruction.

  • LOR: It is not mandatory to submit a letter of recommendation, but it increases the chances of your admission to the University of Germany.

  • Tests: Students must have a minimum 318 score on the GRE.

  • SOP: It is required for students to submit a statement of purpose, including all the details of the student and their intent behind preferring German universities for studying MS programs.

Language of Instructions

You can find the availability of this course in both German and English, but it is mostly chosen in English by students. The language of instruction for pursuing interior design is as follows:

  • English language: Students must have proficiency certification for preferring English as their language instruction:

    1. 5-7 band in IELTS

    2. 90–100 in the TOEFL

  • German language: Students must have proficiency certification for preferring German as their language instruction:

    1. B2 or C1 level certification


Students can pursue their MS program in the summer and winter intakes. The number of students who are admitted to a MS in interior design is probably higher than the number of students admitted in the summer intake.

  • Summer Intake: Deadline for summer intake is January

  • Winter Intake: Deadlock for winter intake is  July–August.

Students must check the websites of universities to follow the process and apply before the deadline.

Documents Required

Important documents for studying masters in interior designing are:

  • Certificate of class 10+2 and school leaving certificate

  • Certificate of German language proficiency

  • Certificate of English language proficiency like IELTS or TOEFL

  • SOP, or Statement of Purpose

  • LOR, or Letter of recommendation

  • Bachelor's degree copy

  • Enrolment certificate

  • Income Proof

  • Record of financial status

  • Student Visa

  • ID proof

  • Passport of the student

  • Application copy

  • Medical certificate

Fees Structure

These are the key details on the fee structure of top universities that you can check:

  • Interior design courses are available at a minimum cost in public universities.

  • You can find no tuition fees at various public universities for this course.

  • The fee structure is different in private universities. The fees for the same program are expensive at private universities.

The details on fees at top universities are as follows:

Top Universities Tuition Fees
Technische universität münchen(TUM) No Tuition Fees (semester contribution of 140 EUR )
University of Arts Bremen No Tuition Fees (semester contribution of 350 EUR )
Hochschule Coburg: University of Applied Science and Arts 3900 EUR
Hochschule Hannover: University of Applied Science and Arts No Tuition Fees
Hochschule Augsburg: University of Applied Science 1500-10,000 EUR


Yes, the German government and public universities offer different types of scholarships for MS degrees in interior design. The information on scholarships is as follows:

Scholarships Types Cost Waive
Erasmus Scholarship Programmes in Germany Partially Funded 350 EUR
Mawista Scholarship Based on merit and needs 500 EUR
Bayer Foundations Fully Funded 10,000 EUR for 6 months
DAAD Scholarship Germany Fully Funded 930 EUR

Top Universities

International students often choose Germany for its renowned institutions and superior higher education system. Here are a few popular universities that offer study free in Germany programs:

  • Technische Universität München (TUM)

  • Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart

  • Hochschule Mainz – University of Applied Sciences

  • Hochschule Coburg – University of Applied Sciences and Arts

  • Folkwang Universität der Künste Essen

  • Hochschule Trier – Trier University of Applied Sciences

  • Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle

  • University of the Arts Bremen

  • Hochschule Augsburg – University of Applied Sciences

  • Hochschule Hannover – University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Admission Procedure 

Students need to follow the admission procedure for securing dare admission to German universities to study a MS in interior design:

  • Guidance: Students must seek appropriate guidance before starting the application process. Students can understand the process of admission with the help of a specialized team at Anigdha.

  • Preference of University: Students need to choose the university wisely as per the interior design program, in which our team members help students suggest universities.

  • Financial planning: We have experts who guide students regarding financial planning and the cost of living in Germany. Our team suggests cost-effective lodging and food facilities for students.

  • Passport: The application for a visa and passport requires a lot of documentation. Once students get a confirmation call from their desired university, they can proceed with the application for a visa and passport.

  • There are many miscellaneous services that we provide, like preparing students for interviews that are conducted by some universities to provide admission to their universities. We guide students for language proficiency tests, and we offer various other facilities as well.

Want to secure admission to German universities? No more waiting is required; contact us and get your admission done!


Can I study Interior Design if I don't have any prior experience in the field?


You can! Many MS programs in Interior Design are open to students from diverse backgrounds, even if they have little or no prior experience in the field. However, you may need to take prerequisite courses or extra time to catch up on foundational skills.

Do I need to be good at drawing to study Interior Design?


You don't necessarily need to know how to draw to study Interior Design. Many designers use computer programs or other methods, such as sketches or mood boards, to create their designs.

How do I know if I have a good eye for design before enrolling in the program?


Having a good eye for design means recognizing and appreciating aesthetic qualities. Signs include being drawn to visually pleasing things, having an innate sense of style, and being able to imagine transforming a space.

Can I specialize in a particular area of Interior Design during my Masters program?


You can specialize in residential design, commercial design, hospitality design, or sustainable design during your MS program in Interior Design. This allows you to focus on the areas that interest you most and build expertise in a specific niche.

Will I need to purchase my own design software for the program?


Some universities provide design software for students to use during their studies, but you may choose to purchase your own software if you plan to continue using it after graduation.

What kind of materials and techniques will I learn during my MS program in Interior Design?


In this program, you'll learn about design principles, lighting, space planning, materials selection, and techniques such as rendering, 3D modeling, drafting, and sustainability practices. You'll also gain knowledge of building codes and regulations.

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